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27 May 2021

A consumption and logistics revolution has arrived hand in hand with technology

The fourth industrial revolution, also called 4.0 Industry, is here and it is called to deeply change the operation of companies and consumer habits. Technologies such as robotization, the Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence or blockchain are becoming increasingly essential in the industrial sector and in many economic activities.

We are amidst a technological and industrial revolution, a revolution arisen from the need to become more efficient to respond to new consumption habits and environmental challenges: products customized to the customer's taste, with immediacy and with competitive costs. To be manufactured and distributed in a more sustainable way.

The Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated this change in habits. In this new scenario, the logistics sector has become the main protagonist in last year’s extraordinary increase in electronic commerce. Spain was the third market in the world where online shopping grew the most in 2020 (36%), according to a study by the e-Marketer agency.

The arrival of 5G technology will make new economy will possible, enabling the deployment of new technological tools, increasing hyperconnectivity and allowing the massive use of drones and robots. 5G does not only increase the connection speed, it also reduces the network response time and the number of devices that can be connected to each other is exponentially multiplied.

But, in addition, 5G technology increase is an ally for the great challenge of global sustainability. Connectivity enables more efficient use of resources and can play a key role in many of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, to cite a few examples, it can manage and handle huge amounts of mobile traffic, increase the number of smart sensors that govern cities, homes, factories and agriculture and allow the implementation of more sustainable consumption habits and efficient use patterns of energy.




A consumption and logistics revolution has arrived hand in hand with technology
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