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27 September 2021

Digitization and the need to recycle oneself professionally

A report from the World Economic Forum notes that the companies’ unstoppable digitization will radically transform many of today's tasks, jobs and skills. The arrival of disruptive technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or the Internet of Things and phenomena such as electronic commerce has made all employees to evolve, adopt new skills and upgrade professionally.

Just to mention the sales’ field, the consulting firm Gartner in its report "The Future of Sales" estimates that by 2025, 80% of commercial interactions in the business segment (B2B) between buyers and sellers will be via digital channels. This trend is forcing employees in sales departments to know in detail the capabilities and dynamics that some digital tools may offer in order to perform remote sales in an effective way.

In this context, two new concepts come into play: upskilling and reskilling. The first refers to acquiring additional professional training - learning new skills – to help workers perform their functions more efficiently. Reskilling, for its part, seeks to acquire new skills and competencies that serve to adapt to changes and know how to cope with situations of crisis or uncertainty. Reskilling, also known as professional recycling, seeks to train an employee to adapt him or her to a new position in the company.

When launching these professional transformation tools, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that it is not only a matter of providing the worker with technical skills that help them to better perform a certain job. These hard skills must be complemented with the acquisition of other values ​​increasingly demanded by companies in the light of the great transformations and challenges that our society is facing. We are talking about soft skills such as emotional intelligence, communication skills, change management and the entire catalog of personal and interpersonal skills that help a worker to function efficiently in a modern company.

These skills that are among the most demanded ones by companies in recent years but, however, they are also the most difficult to find.




Digitization and the need to recycle oneself professionally
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