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05 October 2020

Innovation and talent in a city open to the world

After a number of difficult months, the city's economy is gradually beginning to recover, with the support of companies and entrepreneurs exploring new market niches, with the boosting of local and international digital talent and with trade fairs and congresses which, fulfilling thorough safety health measures, contribute to igniting the flame of business innovation.

From Barcelona City Council of we have set in motion a Covid-19 Fund of 90 million Euros to foster and promote this reactivation. Precisely, we have just launched a guide with 55 practical resources to help the small economy: subsidies, advisory and support programmes, incentive measures, etc.  In short, our aim at the moment is to remain at the side of all Barcelona citizens, the self-employed, SMEs or companies, so as not to leave anyone behind.

In the midst of a pandemic, our priority is to strengthen the economic activity, save jobs and prevent social inequality being generated. For all this, BNEW receives the strong support of Barcelona City Council, given that sectors such as logistics, the digital industry, e-commerce, technology parks or real estate, are strategic for the promotion of innovation or talent, but above all, they are strategic because they represent an opportunity for the creation of quality jobs and to boost the rhythm of business growth in our city.

All in all, the sense and approach of BNEW is clearly aligned with the economic model we are promoting at the city level, the ‘Barcelona Green Deal’, based on parameters of competitiveness, sustainability and equity. A model that in the short term, helps us to overcome the difficulties caused by the Covid-19, but that especially in the medium and long term, allows us to continue consolidating ourselves as one of the most innovative cities in the world, and one of the best positioned to live, work and start up a business.

With this aim in mind, from the municipal level we are determined to encourage synergies and public-private partnerships. We will foster business and urban innovation, and therefore we will provide resources for talent that, especially in difficult times, should help new ideas and opportunities to flourish, for the future.

From the City Council we want events like BNEW to be recurring and not to remain as an isolated initiative. Innovation requires multiple spaces that multiply its potential and that can directly contribute to economic recovery. For example, BNEW will facilitate networking with companies from the sectors participating in the trade fair, meetings will be held with leaders from various sectors, promoted by Barcelona Activa, and will provide the keys to training in digitalisation processes, so necessary for the present and the future.

That’s why, from Barcelona, as an innovation-friendly city, we encourage the involvement of all sectors and stakeholders to promote an economic revival with guarantees, advocating for new opportunities and working together to foster business innovation. We will join forces to multiply results in favour of our city.



Innovation and talent in a city open to the world
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