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21 June 2023

Talent in the New Economy: What Is It?

In the New Economy, any company that wants to compete must make its business digital and sustainable. This implies the need to have trained personnel in these areas; in other words, it requires talent. The transformation of traditional companies to a digital and sustainable economy requires managers, technicians and professionals adapted to this new context.

In addition to having the ability to use digital tools, emerging technologies and to design strategies and products that are sustainable, the talent of the New Economy requires other skills:

Adaptation: The ability to adapt quickly to changes and new situations is highly valued in an ever-changing business environment. Professionals who can adapt have an advantage in a constantly changing market.

Communication: Professionals who can communicate clearly and effectively, and who can cooperate with others productively, have an advantage in a business environment that values teamwork and innovation.

Creativity: More innovative and creative ways of thinking are increasingly in demand in the New Economy.

Analytics: The ability to analyse data and make data-driven decisions is essential in the New Economy.

International projection: Moving in international scenarios, despite being nothing new, is nowadays a highly demanded skill in professionals, since the products and services of our times have clearly transcended their geographical scope. This ability to project oneself outside its local market, means being greatly open-minded to be able to understand and respect cultural differences.

Talent in the New Economy: What Is It?
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