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10 July 2023

The importance of wellbeing at work

It has been proven that there is a direct relationship between workers' happiness and their commitment to the company. When workers feel happy at work, they are more committed to the company, which translates into higher productivity and less absenteeism. Therefore, it is important to foster a work environment that promotes the happiness and wellbeing of workers, as this has a significant impact on the success and profitability of the company.

An increasing number of companies are incorporating what is known as wellbeing at work. This is an organizational effort that consists of promoting healthy behaviors and habits to create a healthy environment through support tools for employees. 

Workplace well-being can be achieved by implementing different measures focused on taking care of small details that improve the level of employee satisfaction. Some of them are already part of the daily routine of many companies and have been proven to contribute to improving motivation and productivity.


What are the keys?


Create a comfortable workspace for the employee. A person who carries out his activity with the necessary resources (ergonomic seating, adequate and up-to-date tools and equipment, etc.) will make the most of the time he spends in the organization. In addition, he/she will feel cared for and valued and will see that he/she can meet day-to-day objectives without wasting time trying to solve technical or logistical problems.

Create a varied routine. Linear jobs wear the employee out mentally and that is why it is important to propose new challenges that increase his motivation.

See how their efficiency is recognized. This reward does not have to be financial; recognizing their work with the right words and thanking them for their dedication also helps to increase their well-being and improve their level of satisfaction.

Training programs. Employees notice how their knowledge increases and they feel more useful while the company has a more qualified staff.

Afterworks or team building. They help to improve interpersonal relations between employees and managers.

In short, work is part of people's lives, but the work routine should not become a burden. Having a job in which wellbeing is a priority helps to improve people's personal and social relationships.


The importance of wellbeing at work
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