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20 September 2023

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, a key actor towards social, economic and environmental sustainability

Achieving sustainable world development implies understanding sustainability in three ways, as established by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in the social, economic and environmental aspects. The objective of eradicate poverty must be reconciled with the fight against inequalities and against climate change. These objectives must be addressed in a coordinated way and relying on digitization, which is understood as the sum of tools and technologies. In this sense, the Metropolitan Action Plan that governs the actions of the AMB for this mandate associates 370 actions that make it up to the ODS with which they are most closely linked, adjusting to the aforementioned triple sustainability approach.

The AMB participates in the Hydrogen Valley Project, which aims to concentrate the agents that conform the green hydrogen value chain, as well as promoting its dissemination, production and use as a clean and future alternative, taking advantage of the Next Generation funds as well. For our territory, which aspires to achieve an inclusive and sustainable growth, the Hydrogen Valley project is a key factor in promoting the industrial, economic and environmental growth of our municipalities. Green hydrogen can provide an effective response to the main environmental challenges of the current moment, which are the increase in energy consumption and the effects that this has on climate change. In this sense, the project is totally aligned with the AMB's commitment to the challenges of climate change and sustainability. We already have the Climate and Energy Plan 2030, with which we are firmly betting on carbon neutrality in our territory. Specifically, we support clean energy and the drastic reduction of emissions from private mobility.

As a whole, the AMB is committed to contributing to the transformation of the metropolitan economy through the Economic Development Agency, which develops and implements programs to strengthen business competitiveness and supports the socioeconomic actors in its consolidation process. These actions are planned and adapted to the needs and characteristics of economic activities and include business promotion programs, infrastructure and industrial parks fostering, business internationalisation, bureaucracy simplification, promotion of energy efficiency, innovation and professional training support.

The Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona also works intensively to identify and connect with agents, companies, people and organizations that have an active role in metropolitan innovation. This task is reflected in the HUB TALENT portal, developed along with the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, which brings together the aforementioned agents and encourages collaborative innovation through work focused on challenges.

The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, a key actor towards social, economic and environmental sustainability
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