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16 September 2020

The new logistics is already here

Logistics is experiencing a true revolution. Before the pandemic, the sector was already immersed in a powerful transformation that the pandemic has finally accelerated. Right now, there’s no future for any company in the sector who doesn’t take into account the deep changes that are taking place in consumer habits, if it does not commit to a business strategy based on sustainability, and if it isn’t clearly committed to digitization.

The pandemic and confinement have posed a formidable stress test to the logistics industry, but it has managed to deal with effectively. However, while the supply chain has been secured, the changes in consumer relationships that have taken place have forced many businesses to reinvent themselves. Today it is not possible to operate in this sector without taking into account aspects such as hygiene and health safety, which are increasingly demanded by users and which have affected the entire companies’ logistics chain. This has affected all points of hygienic traceability: hand delivery of packages, storage or red tape, among others.

On the other hand, companies will have to rethink their commitment to sustainability and adapt to a new way of delivering and finding more efficient delivery solutions. The objective: to stop traffic congestion and waste increase that during the pandemic has notably grown due to the great demand for online products and home deliveries. In this sense, there are options such as micro-hubs, small warehouses distributed in the interior of cities that improve the agility of deliveries and avoid the transfer from logistics centers located in the outskirts. In this scenario, it will be increasingly common for the so-called last mile deliveries to be made by a courier with an electric motorcycle, bicycle or scooter, which will reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.

Another trend pointed out by experts, and which will serve to face unexpected crises like the one we have experienced, is to opt for closer suppliers or at least that the stocks are closer to the product's destination point. This option would open a unique business opportunity to SMEs, which could establish relationships and business with companies that are used to buying raw materials in countries that are geographically far away.

The new logistics is already here
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