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22 June 2021

Training, a pending challenge in Logistics

The logistics activity has become one of the strategic sectors of the economy due to the pandemic and the rapid change in consumer habits among the population. However, there is still a significant deficit in the training offer suitable to the current labor demands of the sector, immersed in a great technological and digital transformation and that requires an effective management of the supply chain.

Precisely, a study prepared by the Fundació BCN Formació Professional and Área Metropolitana de Barcelona , ​​in collaboration with the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, ​​reveals the need to adapt professional training proposals to the current requirements of the logistics sector towards digitization , new technologies and omnichannel. In the current consumption context, the end customer has more decision to purchase through the variety of sales channels and demands more transparency, affordability, convenience and speed of delivery. Technological advances make it possible to meet the new needs and demands of customers through new business models and solutions based mainly on digitization, information technologies and omnichannel and these are the challenges that must also be addressed from the vocational training.

To move forward with these new challenges in the sector, the study proposes expanding the professional training offer and adjusting some shortcomings. Among the measures pending development, the study has highlighted the need to create new training cycles or curricular adaptations to adapt the training to two professional profiles: administrative, financial, logistics, and e-commerce sales logistics. At the same time, the demand for unmet logistics ICT profiles in relation to the development of multiplatform applications and industrial automation and robotics stands out.

The most demanded professional profiles in the logistics sector today are: logistics technicians, road freight transporter, e-commerce sales logistics, developer of multiplatform logistics applications, supervisor of assembly and maintenance of automation systems logistics and commercial transport and logistics and manager / head of logistics operations.

Even though it is still not enough, the training offer focused specifically on the logistics sector is increasing steadily, both from the university level and from Vocational Training. In the first case, the Master's Degree in Logistics Management from the International University of La Rioja (UNIR) or the Master's Degree in Management and Digital Transformation of the Supply Chain, from the Spanish Logistics Center (CEL) must be mentioned. Both programs address 4.0 logistics operation with special attention to emerging technologies and their application in supply chain management.

With regard to VET, two examples can be mentioned. The Cendrassos de Figueres Institute will offer, starting next year, a higher degree training cycle in Transport and Logistics. It will do so with an eye on the imminent arrival of the logistics giant Amazon at Logis Empordà, which is expected to generate some 200 jobs. The Igualada-UdL University Campus will be the first in Catalonia to offer a double degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization and Logistics and in Business Administration and Management (ADE) at public price.


Training, a pending challenge in Logistics
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