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31 July 2023

Workplace health and the new economy

The new economy is assuming profound changes and transformations due to the intensity of technological advances, the digitalization, and globalization that, in turn, have introduced new ways of producing, distributing and consuming goods and services. It has also brought significant changes in the workplace and therefore in the health of working people. From the outset, flexibility at work and access to information technologies are improving the balance between work and personal life, which undoubtedly has a positive impact on the welfare of workers.

However, experts also warn that problems may arise related to safety and, especially, to the mental health of workers. Remote working can lead to more sedentary living, ergonomic problems, and social isolation. On the other hand, collaborative economy platforms can generate new forms of employment without the same labour protections as traditional jobs.

Taking all that into consideration, is therefore necessary to promote a new model of occupational health adapted to the new times, which implies the implementation of regulations, promoting healthy working practices and raising awareness of the specific risks and challenges associated with working in the new economy.

In this regard, at the beginning of 2023 the Government presented a new Occupational Safety and Health Strategy that reflects the changes resulting from the new forms of work organization, demographic developments, and climate change and for the first time has brought to the same level the protection of the physical and mental health of employees.

Workplace health and the new economy
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